So, the big guest post. By me.
This will give this blog and its readers something not seen in an age.
Proper capitalization.
The easiest thing to do when you are a guest blogger, I would imagine, would be to blog about being a guest blogger.
Done. Now, let's move along.
I want to ask you folks a question.
Let's say you see a greasy, sweaty guy walking towards you. If you need help imagining this scenario, just think of me.
He's so gross, you think "ripe". Your paths are going to cross, you're about to enter his trail of odour.
Or so you assume.
Does curiosity ever overtake you? How bad could this person actually stink? Do you ever inhale super deeply, with your eyes closed, just to see?
I do.
I wonder if other people do that. When there is something that looks stinky, do they inhale harder, just to see.
It's like sticking your tongue on a 9-volt battery. Just to see. (By the way, doesn't just the thought of the 9-volt battery bring back that tingly metal taste in your mouth? Yum, I feel like having electricity for lunch.)
Now that I've gone public with this, I expect people to be sniffing after me as I wander the city.
Enjoy the scent.
I sure enjoyed making it.
Not giving up.
Il y a 1 jour