mardi, février 14

random confession #548

i'm addicted to sirius radio station #22 - first wave, which is to say 'classic' alternative music. which is to say the music i listened to as i spent my formative years brooding in my dark bedroom, scribbling angst-ridden poetry in a tattered notebook and reading kafka, is now considered 'classic'.

i feel so old.

valentine's day tally - one hershey's caramel kiss (colleague), one foil covered chocolate heart (yoga instructor), various cyber kisses, some lovely greetings. not bad for a single girl.

oh and tcb sent me an emoticon of a stick figure waggling a flaccid penis. that's all. haven't heard from him in weeks and he sends me a soft dick. wtf does *that* mean?

so how the heck do i top the valentine's day card to tony pierce? i might have to give up altogether and go out on top, like the sopranos, rather than jump the shark. from here on in i'll just be showing 'best of' clips and rehashing old plotlines.

unless, of course, i actually start talking about my past. and living an interesting present. then i might have a few more tricks up my sleeve.

i've been sleeping really poorly lately. the meds make me clench my jaw. when i'm awake i can sort of control it - pay attention and stop when i feel myself doing it. when i'm asleep, though, i don't even notice until the pain in my jaw wakes me up. when i can't sleep i listen to the cbc - late at night they play radio programs from all around the world. it's kind of cool to listen to people from germany, denmark, england, whereever, talking about what's making news. it's usually social stuff - not hard news, more op-ed. anyway, interesting only goes so far when you have to actually think at work, so i have an appointment to get a mouthguard next week. manoman i'm sleepy today, that's for sure.

when carlot boy came over last night i was wearing that skirt - getting ready for the big photo shoot (pre-lipstick). he liked it alot. what he liked better was bending me over to discover that i wasn't wearing any panties underneath. he showed his appreciation appropriately. i should probably add that to my valentine's list, huh? though it was a day in advance - does that still count? i think so.