jeudi, mars 30

for liars and lies and turns

so it's come to this, has it?

it's finally come to this.

they've moved supernatural to thursday nights. thursdays at ninepm. do you get what i'm saying yet? thursdays at nine. back to back with csi. tonight i was forced to choose between csi warwick brown and dean winchester.

dean won.

warwick just hasn't got what my baby dean does. warwick doesn't have the car the guns the eyes. ok fuck that shit warwick's got the eyes but he hasn't got the edge he doesn't make me tingle in my happy places like dean does. he doesn't blast old school metal with his windows down and that look that look that you know means he's gonna go all night, slip out while you sleep, exhausted from hours of being bent pushed pulled bitten slapped fucked on every available flat surface, and not call you till the next time he rolls through town.

warwick'll be there when you open your eyes capuccino in hand rose between his teeth and kiss you sweetly on the end of your nose. i love warwick brown but man-o-man i LUST dean winchester.

red wine counts as clear fluids, doesn't it?

yeah i thought so.