vendredi, mars 10

questioning my sanity

tony pierce you may be the perfect man. xo

ok here we go (in chronological order)

  1. What is in your purse *right now*? (k-lo) I think it says a lot about a woman (or man if you carry a man-bag like Joey). i answered this on the other day but for the sake of continuity i'll do it again.i have this cool stripey bag that is big enough to hold my laptop, so i pack it around with me to work and back but will downsize when i go out-out.I have a paperback, my digicam, a little pink & orange notebook, a pen, a little bag packed full of lipgloss, more lipgloss, hand lotion, a small bottle of bath&bodyworks vanilla body spray, gum, a turquoise mat&nat vegan wallet, red leather gloves, emergency allergy medicine, and usually my cellphone and blackberry (but they're on the desk beside me).
  2. what are you three favourite items that start with the letter "C"? (gracie) ok i answered this one, too. chocolate, coffee and cupcakes, though technically the kiddo's real name starts with 'c' so he takes the cake. or the cupcake, as the case may be...
  3. what day are we going for drinks next week? (ciavarro) friday 'cause i don't have to work on saturday morning. :)
  4. can we have more 'you in your underwear' photos? (screetus) - tell you what - i'll take more underwear pictures if you send me a pair of transmegacorp panties - preferably of the thong flavour. i'll model 'em for you. i am, however, running out of shots i can take on my own so i either have to buy a tripod or recruit an assistant.
  5. which colour crayon would best describe your personality and why? (pauly) - probably lemon yellow, 'cause i got sunshine on the inside. interestingly, every guy i've dated in the last five years has ended up calling me sunshine as a nickname. oh man! i've just figured it out! i've got a decrepit lovelife because of an international plot developed in a topsecret gym locker to secretly drive me insane with an unsated sexdrive! it's a conspiracy! someone call michael moore!
  6. what is your favourite time of day and why? (b) - twilight. i love the silvery light that hides in the crevice between night and day. it's not one or the other, but somewhere in between. magic time.
  7. waffles or pancakes? (the holywriter) - waffles 'cause just the other day i found vegan toaster waffles. wooo - another breakfast food i can eat! if anyone has a good pancake recipe which involves no eggs, dairy or bananas, shoot me an email and i may revise my choice.
  8. four places which i have seen which spo should see (spo) - 1) just southeast of pee gee, in the macgregor mountain range, there is this spot you can hike to and camp. it's a meadow perched on the saddle between two mountains. from this vantage point you can watch the sun set in the west over the macgregor range, and watch it rise to the east over the rockies. amazing. 2) dunluce castle in northern ireland - the sense of history is overwhelming. 3) the cliffs of mohr in county clare, ireland. yeah it's touristy, but if you climb over the guardrail and stand at the edge on a clear day you can watch the sun dance in the waves and see the seagulls flying in and out of the rock formations hundreds of feet below you. the birds are BELOW you. so cool. 4)knoxville, tennessee - i don't know what it is about knoxville, but i love it there. it's this super old southern city with so much of the grand old spanish style architecture. the downtown core is being revitalized with lofts and yuppie coffeeshops but the old city looks like something out of a movie. go see it before it's just another generic american city.
  9. what would you do to live the life you always wanted?(minako) sell everything and go live really simply in the mountains by the water, then find some way to support myself which involves books and words and quietly looking out the window for long stretches of time.
  10. what cool band haven't i heard of yet? (tomkr) - now that's a really tough question, seeing as how you and i have never met and i have no idea of your socioeconomic status, your country of origin, or your favourite flavour of toothpaste. i shall have to cheat by going to look at your site. one moment - ok i'm going to say the constantines. if you have heard of them, well good. if not, you should rectify that toot-sweet.
  11. what would happen if i became famous for destroying dick cheney? (panopticon) - well, since it's probably a given that i'd be a wanted woman (not like i'm not already)(ha), i like to think that we could establish an underground railroad of bloggers and spirit me down through the states and central america to costa rica, where i'd open up a surfing hostel, bake for all of my guests, and invite you all to come visit.
  12. what have i done that i'm ashamed of, if anything (j-mo) - i had an affair with a married man. i'm not so much ashamed for doing it, as i was single so to me that means i'm free to sleep with whomever i choose. what i'm ashamed for is causing pain to other people. that really bothers me.

fun questions! thanks guys!