does anyone else get turned on by music? i know that one of the heady things about rave/e culture is that the drug makes you hyper sensitive and you can FEEL the music running through your body, which is super fucking hot. but does anyone else get turned on by a song playing on the radio when they are driving home, or when they are cooking, or when they are plugged into their headphones at work?
i'm a super sexual person - i'm very sensual and i find many "everyday" things quite erotic, but this evening i was doing some christmas baking and listening to the cfox when van halen's 'panama' came on. and it occurred to me that i think that this song (and i'm vaguely ashamed to admit it) fully aroused me when i was 12 years old - specifically the section in the middle when the music slows and you can hear the car engine revving and diamond dave growls "yeah, we're runnin a bit hot tonight. i can barely see the road from the heat comin' off it. ahh you reach down, between my legs.. ease the seat back..." i remember lying in bed in the dark playing that song over and over on my stereo; closing my eyes and letting dave's voice slip like tendrils of smoke into my imagination. wow.
these days it's the heavier stuff - deftones 'passenger' comes to mind immediately (roll the windows down/ this cool night air is curious/ let the whole world look in/ who cares who sees what tonight/ roll these misty windows down/ to catch my breath again/ and then go and go and go just drive me/ home then back again/ here I lay just like always /don't let me/ go /take me to the edge) and lots and lots of hard electronic music (not hard house but the dark hard progressive stuff... you know what i mean). i love hard driving beats. i love the way ideas come out in words, and the way my mind runs with them and takes my body with it.
(tangent - both songs that i mentioned by name have to do with cars, too. interesting)
the rock star experience is highly sexualized. but is it because of the music or because of the fame? perhaps because of the 'bad boy' or 'bad girl' stereotype? ken from ken and ariel talked about going to see juliette lewis play live and sort of came to the same conclusions - rock and roll is sexy dirty. rock and roll stars are sexy dirty. but is it the music or the rolling around in a crowd jacked up on endorphins and pheremones drenched in someone elses' sweat (oh sound familiar?). clubs and bars are notorious pick up joints, but is it the music or is it the pulsing lights and the pulsing beats and the pulsing bodies rubbing up against one another?
or is it all of the above? can you separate the music from the experience from your imagination from your body from your hormones from your memories and associations?
i'd be really interested to know what songs, if any, turn other people on. or what other normal, "every day" experiences or stimuli, for that matter...
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