or are you just glad to see me?
so this morning i had to do two things which filled me with dread and caused me to sleep very very little last night. so, really, it's a good thing that was i passed out by 9.30 from sheer boredom the night previous.
item the first - i had to go have a meeting at the kiddo's school with the drunk, (oh, sorry, did i say that out loud?) i mean, the kiddo's vice principal, his teacher (not the aide with whom he does not get along) and his counsellor. the kiddo's presence was required, but the vp decided that he needed to speak with me and the counsellor first, and so made the kiddo sit in the office for 45 minutes waiting. seriously - the man has no respect. this is also the guy who didn't bother to learn my name before our last meeting. i'm pretty sure he still has not a clue, and did on two separate occasions refer to the counsellor as the kiddo's dad. drunk. i mean, a bleedin' fascist. i mean, an alzheimer ridden lunatic. i mean, a worthy vice principal who nobly represents all that is good with our public school system. so that was a barrel of monkeys, let me tell you... at the end of this 45minute joyous start to my day, the vp says "now i would like to talk to the kiddo alone". i made frantic NO WAY is this a good idea motions to the counsellor, who stepped up and said that he'd prefer to be in the room. the kiddo WAS NOT pleased at having to get up early to sit on his butt chatting with the school secretary. lovely lady, i'm sure, but come on now - this is a 15 year old kid.
item the second - i had a meeting with mr. m today, because i am going to start taking classes in the area which is his specialty. so i had to suck up my pride and ask him to a)give me advice and b)resume his place as my quasi-workplace mentor. man was THAT the hardest thing i've done this week. i don't think i stopped shaking till 10minutes after i left his office...
anyway.. i started this whole diatribe with vibrating underwear, which is much more fun. see - i am missing one of the detachable straps for my ivory bra, and so today had to employ those clear plastic type. they're currently cutting off the circulation to my entire body (north of the shoulders) so i went dumped out my undies drawer to see if i could find it. of course, being A.D.D i immediately lost interest in the project when something flashy appeared on my computer screen (W49 logged in and started chatting at me). in the back of my mind i could hear this strange vibraty noise, looked over my shoulder and realized that it was coming from a particularly lovely pair of pink lace shorties. of course i had managed to completely cover my mobile with women's undergarments and so had to embark upon a frantic dig to answer before it went to voicemail. succeeded, mind, and answered with quite a chuckle...
so anyway, it was a rough day. but The New Boy is coming over after he goes for a ride and we are going to go hang out on the beach and watch the tide, i think, so things are looking up....
Just don’t be a dick
Il y a 6 jours