good morning folks... i'm just sitting here waiting for my coffee to brew so i can get a jump start on the thanksgiving feast. i've got big plans for the who-beast, and stuffing to make, and a banana cream pie, and more starchy vegetables than you can shake a stick at, but i wanted to say 'hi' before i started to kick dinner's ass.
so when i came back from pg i told mr. m that i was going to start seeing other people... that i was going to stop putting my life on hold till he figured his shit out. of course, this was met with a great deal of angst on his part, and, i'm sure, played no little part in his upswinging the roller coaster the last time... but i really do think it's time. it's not fair of him to leave me hanging all the time, and i hate sitting at home anticipating a visit or a phone call that may or may not materialize. it's one thing to spend saturday night curled up watching vids when you have someone curled up around you. it's another thing entirely to do it on your own too often. and i gotta tell you - this up and down thing is depressing the hell out of me. i'm practically demobilized.
so... long story short, i think i'm back on the scene, kids. if you know any cute boys, send 'em my way.
Just don’t be a dick
Il y a 6 jours