to new faces and old! please, if you haven't said hello yet, do so! i'm so excited to see who the folks who wander past are...
i can't talk about The New Boy... not yet. my feelings are kind of convoluted and i'm not sure about them and i'm worried about jinxing it. so maybe later?
the kiddo.. ah the kiddo... he's defiantly loyal, insufferably stubborn, well spoken and too smart for his age. he's a total ladies man (partially my fault), but has already met the girl who he figures is "the one" and treats her like a queen.
here's a classic kiddo story:
he makes these wicked compilation cds - you give him a few songs and he works out a theme and builds a great collection, then gives it a witty name and hands it back to you. my sister and i were heading out dancing for the night, and really wanted to have the one that he was working on, so were hassling him to finish it up quick. he came into the room, held out his hands in front of him like jesus to his followers and said: "LADIES... if you RUSH me you are only going to be disappointed with the results..." then turned and walked, nay, STRUTTED out of the room.
here's another:
one night a few years ago (like when the kiddo was turning 13 i think) we had dinner and a movie with his dad & his dad's girlfriend (we all get along pretty well). his dad had a few beers with his dinner and kept trying to put his arm around me. it was kind of freaking me out, cause i was with the crazy exboyfriend at the time so was HYPER sensitive to other men touching me... (the repercussions would have been astronomical had there been a witness). anyhoo, i was uncomfortable, and kept shrugging the arm off, and he'd just put it back again. after this happened a few times, the kiddo turned around (he'd been a few paces in front with one of his friends), threw his dad's arm off my shoulder and said "DON'T touch my mom" and walked between me and his dad the rest of the way.
at fifteen he went through a 'russian literature' phase and started reading dostoyevski and chekov..
the first time he ever ran a 300m hurdles he set a track record for his age group..
when he was 12, he was selected to read an original poem in front of his school. when i told a friend of mine, she exclaimed "that's so NOT FAIR!". i was puzzled and asked her to explain herself- she said that the geeky kids were supposed to be good at writing and books and stuff. it was all they had. it wasn't fair when the kids who were super good at sports got to be good at poetry too...
dude i could seriously go on for hours... he has been known to hang out with some of my adult friends just by himself, cause they think he's cool and he is capable of talking to them and participating in decent conversations. he's seriously the light of my life... a total challenge, but i wouldn't swap him for a more "manageable" kid for anything in the world, you know?
k now that i've nauseated you all.. i'll just stop for a while ok?
Unexpected gifts
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