so i was reading ken & ariel the other day, and noticed a comment which touched on the idea that there are things a guy would only do with a woman he was a 'fuck buddy' with - not one that he was thinking long term relationship with.
this puzzles me, and i'll tell you why - so if you don't want to hear me talk about sex then move on, my friend, move on. just navigate off to the more sanitary sections of the internet. might i suggest christian women for penny loafers?
the other day whilst road-trippin the new boy's roommate asked me what love was to me. i thought about how i wanted to phrase my answer for a bit (always a touchy subject in front of someone whom you've just begun dating), then said that love is being in tune with someone on every level - being able to be open and honest with a person, no matter how awful what you are about to say is, and trust that they will accept you for who you are. love is what is beyond being best friends - that deeper level of intimacy that comes through physical contact and chemistry. love is understanding that the person you are with is their own person and respecting that about them, and knowing they respect that for you.. and some other stuff too.
anyhoo.. what puzzles me about the idea that you are more adventurous sexually with someone you are 'just fucking' rather than someone you are committed to is this: if you have appetites and desires, then the person you love and want to spend your life with seems the natural choice to share them with. why would you want to commit yourself to spending a lifetime with someone that you didn't feel comfortable sharing such things with? why would you want to condemn yourself to a lifetime of sex which only touches upon the breadth of your desires?
i SO would not want to be with a man forever if he didn't feel like he could bend me over and do me six ways from sunday. i guarantee you it's a recipe for infidelity in my world. i have some dark desires - i am experimental and dirty. i want a guy who can explore all the facets of my sexuality with me, and will let me explore his with him. life's an adventure - why would you want to be with someone if you couldn't live it that way in the bedroom? or in the living room? or on the kitchen table? or in the bathroom at a real estate open house?
oops, inside voice, raspberry.... LOL
Just don’t be a dick
Il y a 6 jours