okay maybe i should preface this with an explanation. i have a vast vocabulary. however, the character of my employment sort of puts limitations on the words that i use. i find that many words are simply underutilized. these are not, necessarily, specialized words - often they are just fun to say. ergo - a list. feel free to add your own, as this is by no means a comprehensive list. in fact, as i think of the words that are residing in the dangerous grey areas of my memory, i shall try and blog them into perpetuity (ooo perpetuity). liberate the underused words! release them to the ether! give them life, i say!
- perpetuity
- superlative
- juncture
- mezzanine
- flamboyant
- discombobulate
- intrinsic
- hegemony
- swift
- titillate
- uvula
- cerise
- chock-a-block
- bellicose
- lascivious
- undulate
- peristalsis
- pounce
- indignant
- indigent
- semicircular
- seraphim
- happenstance
- sickle
- limpid
- languid
- asinine
- gargantuan