Unexpected gifts
Il y a 6 jours
i think taste. i'm really food-o-centric. my world revolves around it. it is my joy and the bane of my existence. i don't think i could live without it.
ooo tough one. i love love love to love coffee, but i'm an upstanding daughter of the british empire - i fed my kiddo tea in his bottle to help with tummy upsets... so torn... i think coffee would have to be the winner
the kiddo. he's the light of my life, even if he is doing his best to break my heart right now. he is seriously good conversation, and cracks me up regularly. i'd definately pick him
calvin and hobbes, probably. though with a single mom, not a nuclear family. but i get to be the mom and the dad rolled into one (cooking unidentifiable healthy vegetable substances and telling fantastical falsified stories of how babies are made and what happens to the kids who get sucked down the bathtub drain)
conflict revolutionary
yes, in that i'm a bit of a spillypants. i tend to wear anything i eat at least once.
of course. next question?
hmm interesting questions. i think i shall answer both at once. the previous post sort of expresses some of my ideas regarding the interaction between text and context. i think that i can't help but be influenced by comments - just as i can't help but be influenced by the images and ideas which stream past me in the "real" world every day. i fully believe that, in such an interactive medium, the writer and the reader exist symbiotically. i censor myself (to a certain extent) because i know or am afraid that people read it. but, at the same time, when i have stuff that i want to hear other opinions on, i post away. sometimes i write just 'cause it's in my head and i want to get it down somewhere. so i guess it's a diary and a web log, depending on the mood i am in at the time.
malaga, or barcelona. maybe dublin but it rains lots.
isn't it obvious? seriously - it's fun.. it's light and girly and pretty and no one takes it seriously...
eggs. hands down
this blonde kid named carter in my grade one class. i had another one that lasted from grade 4-fourth year university, but i'll tell you his name in person
disturbingly easy. i was watching a chinese cooking show. it ended at 8pm. i stood up to feed the cat, and my water broke. the kiddo was borne 65 minutes later. i'm fairly sure the cat did not get fed.
leaving my child in the psych ward of the hospital...hearing the door click locked behind me,knowing that he was on one side of it and i was on the other and nothing i could do would change that at that moment in time
learn how to brew vodka in my bathtub, and write literature of dissent
tortured witch. and man oh man would the irish curses be flying!
miso soup with those little bits of green onion, seaweed and tofu in it. that's gotta cover most food groups / nutrients, doesn't it?
that it doesn't come naturally. i sort of figured that there was stuff you just *knew* once you had a kid - some kind of universal knowledge or something. there isn't, sadly
spice - cinnamon / flavour - dark chocolate
i found "meat is murder" by the smiths in a $5 bin at a record store when i was 14yrs old.. i'm pretty sure it changed me forever
the way i seem to keep bouncing back from the weird stuff going on in my life right now, and get up smiling most mornings
oooo i don't know. i didn't have any preconceived notions - i just wanted to see what people were interested in, you know?
hmm crazy bad or crazy good? crazy bad, i guess, would be giving up my best friend cause psychojeremy couldn't handle the relationship. crazy good? i took psychojeremy on a 'holiday' in town - set up a little treasure hunt for him, gave him a beautiful evening in a hotel.. spent a small fortune (like $1000) on the evening...
my nightstand is a long sofa table that is at the head of my bed. on it is a stack of books in various stages of completion, an alarm clock, my cellphone charger, my glasses, and a big bouquet of flowers (which i purchased for myself, by the way..)
zelda fitzgerald after she met scott but before she went crackers
the blue pottery mug to add to my collection
i think that the shortest period of time at which point i actually thought to myself "i *love* this person" is probably a month or so. but i've thought "uh oh.. this could definately be starting something" after a couple of weeks...
Dragonflies symbolize illusion. Their radiant iridescence exemplifies the complexity of light and colour inspiring and reminding us that we also are conduits of light, with the ability to shape our own spectrum. We can use this knowledge to pierce the illusions we create for ourselves that may limit our physical or mental existence. Dragonflies are also symbolic of the essence of change which brings wisdom and enlightenment. This transformation encompasses the dragonfly's metamorphosis from larvae to dragonfly, and our passionate journey to maturity and mental clarity. With this change comes growth. Dragonfly magic thus empowers us with a strong sense of self, having challenged our inner limitations thus achieving balance. Ultimately the dragonfly is a reminder that we each have the ability to gracefully dart, glide and shimmer through our changes with the inherent wisdom that we have the power to become our dreams.
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You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too ShyWhen a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. Why Don't You Have a Boyfriend Take This Quiz :-) |