mercredi, juillet 21


ok so i was a little worried that no one would want to play with me.... fortunately ms. opinionated invited me to the sand box!

1. What is the craziest thing you've done in the name of love or lust?
hmm crazy bad or crazy good? crazy bad, i guess, would be giving up my best friend cause psychojeremy couldn't handle the relationship. crazy good? i took psychojeremy on a 'holiday' in town - set up a little treasure hunt for him, gave him a beautiful evening in a hotel.. spent a small fortune (like $1000) on the evening...

2. What's in/on your nightstand table right now?
my nightstand is a long sofa table that is at the head of my bed. on it is a stack of books in various stages of completion, an alarm clock, my cellphone charger, my glasses, and a big bouquet of flowers (which i purchased for myself, by the way..)

3. If you could live one day in someone else's shoes (famous or not, dead or alive), who would it be and why?
zelda fitzgerald after she met scott but before she went crackers

4. What is the last unnecessary thing you've purchased for yourself (like a fun, splurge item)?
the blue pottery mug to add to my collection

5. What is the quickest that you've ever fallen "in love"?
i think that the shortest period of time at which point i actually thought to myself "i *love* this person" is probably a month or so. but i've thought "uh oh.. this could definately be starting something" after a couple of weeks...

Weee! that was fun!