mercredi, août 18

nostalgic sundae

so this evening i ended a 6 year relationship. why sundae! (you may say) i had no idea you were involved with someone long term!

well i was. and tonight it is over. i have sent my little vw packing. i watched it get hauled up on the back of a tow truck and taken to the wreckers. i am rather emotionally overwrought. funny, huh, that you can become emotionally involved with a beater? but i was. am. was. she's dead now. or is coughing her last.

classic fox "moments from past seasons, our writers are on holiday and didn't leave a script" sitcom montage:
  • the driving over 150kph down the highway near chilliwack. having a police officer pull us over moment (the funny thing was that he thought he was involved in a high speed chase and made psychojeremy throw the keys out the car window, get out and spread eagle on the hood)
  • driving back and forth to vancouver at least once a month for six months straight
  • getting from pg to vancouver in 7 hours moment
  • going back and forth across railroad tracks with js cause he was amazed at how the cd player didn't skip moment
  • the "hey am i starring in my own porno?" blowing a tire & having two firefighters stop to help me out moment

ahh such good times. i'll miss you, old girl.