anyhoo, at the beginning of the article, the author says something which cracked me up to the point at which i had to put my laptop down and wipe the tears from my eyes. he wrote, quoting christoper marlowe:
"Christopher Marlowe describes Leander entering
the orchard of th’ Hesperides,
Whose fruit none rightly can describe but he
That pulls or shakes it from the golden tree.
Which is simply Elizabethan for foreplay. Some Elizabethan lines that translate to “humpin’ and bumpin’ ” follow."
humpin' and bumpin'. shit i'm off again. k i'm done. anyhoo... read the article - it's witty and literate and funny and interesting. all the things that non-fiction should be. and he talks about his pecs and his mediterranean tan. and humpin and bumpin. that's it.