- change for a fiver
- a pair of great brown shoes, with a heel
- another black cardigan
- some fall/winter tops for work
- more in-person two-am wakeup calls
- to be entertained
- to be inspired
- the next john connolly book
- more income and/or
- a sugardaddy
- a haircut
- to go for a walk in the sunshine
- six more months of summer
- a white christmas
- for the constantines show to be tomorrow
- a waterfront apartment with a view of the mountains in a small town
- to hear the words which are my heart's desire
- to be able to write like this person.
- or this person
- or this person
- to load myself up, with whatever puts me all the way up
- to drink more wine
- to buy tanning minutes so that my mood doesn't fall down down down with the rain rain rain all winter
- to watch the season premier of CSI (tomorrow! do *not* call between the hours of nine and ten!)
- to judge a topless cookie bake-off between this girl and this girl
- to visit this person
what do you need?
what do you need?
Hello, Ohio!
Il y a 40 minutes