ooo i kind of wish i could lose my head... went to a friend's place for dinner last night and drank alottalotta red wine. ouch. ahh migraine strength advil - whatever did i do before you entered my life?
ug my stomach is a tad unhappy as well.
my sister is throwing one of her infamous dinner parties again - you know the kind where she invites a lot of people over and i get to do the cooking? yeah that kind. tonight, though i think i'll be on the gingerale mmm gingerale.
so i've been lying here watching the olympics / napping. the canadian women speedskaters dominated at the 5000 and i must say they put on an incredible performance both on the ice and off. the class and grace they displayed after the race were great examples of sportsmanship. well done ladies.
has anyone else been struck by how ridiculous four man bobsledding is? like four hulking men cuddled up together and hurtling around an icy ring. it cracked me up. it hurt my head. is there someone i can call abut this?
and is it a sad state of my romantic life that i just found a member of the canadian curling team hot?
maybe i should go back to sleep.
Hello, Ohio!
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