things i realized this weekend:
1) pg is still a pretty ugly place this time of year
2) vancouver may be the only place in the province where it is not only acceptable but expected that you drive 90kph on major city streets
3) people in pg stare. a lot.
4) my favourite italian deli is *still* my favourite italian deli
5) my grandma is one peppy lady for someone who is 84 and has been quite ill in the last few months
6) i still love mr and mrs palmer and they are still my absolute role model for marriage
7) the reason i have had so much trouble finding a man i 'click' with here in vancouver is cause i know monte.
i think this last point needs some elaboration. remember way back when (phew must be at least a week now) when i was pondering the fact that i may be looking for something in a man that doesn't exist, and that i may just have to give in to that fact? you know, it's not true. i'm looking for some pretty basic things - mostly, what i want is to get butterflies in my belly when i see the person, and know that they get them when they see me. when monte opened his door the other nite, i didn't get butterflies in my belly, i got them all the way to the tips of my fingers. and the crazy thing is that i *know* he gets them too. there's tangible electricity between us; we are in physical contact the whole time we are in each other's presence; we have great conversations and tonnes of fun together.... so really, if i can find that in someone who i've known for 5 years (they've been there since i first laid eyes on him, and sex didn't make them go away the way it usually does) theoretically i should be able to find them in someone else, right? right.
Unexpected gifts
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