let it not be said that raspberry sundae is too much of any one thing. in an attempt to define myself, for myself, i am going to run through a string of words and phrases. if you don't care, please feel free to navigate away from the page. no one wants you to do something you don't want to do, or read something you don't want to read.
i am...
a flirt; a blonde (both natural and unnatural); fond of speeding; fond of laughing; more than fond of making people laugh; someone who kisses her friends in bars, just cause she loves them; the kind of girl who will smack you on the naked ass mere hours after meeting you; the kind of girl who will crawl into bed with her best friends first thing in the morning to chat and snuggle; a pillow hog; smarter than the average bear; book smart but street stupid; a pusher of limits, regardless of the consequences; a good cook; a caring and energetic parent; lover of books; lover of sunshine; lover of daisies and tulips and sunflowers; a slave to my allergies; addicted to chocolate and coffee; in love with roadtrips and the freedom of an empty highway; incurably in search of something new; very single, and quite pleased with that situation; a dancing fool; into electronica and metal and punk and new rock and classical music and opera and folk and radio pop; someone who wishes she had a green thumb and could play an instrument; someone who longs for something just beyond her reach but is in love with the quest for that thing; someone who can't stop moving and wonders why you would ever want to; someone who thinks that the years you are alive don't age you, it's fear of change that does; someone who really sincerely tries to accept people for who they are without judgment; someone who believes in the threefold law; enjoys her job most days; enjoys walking in all weather; enjoys meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends; an insomniac who has nightmares fairly regularly; a geek; a nerd; a 'cool kid'; a fashion victim; a thrift store junky; a lover of main street, commercial drive, fourth ave, cambie and broadway; a fiend for brunch; a dancer on tables and sidewalks and streetcorners; the easter bunny; a leo; sad that 'cabbages and kinx' burned down; into movies; addicted to mystery novels; occasionally consumed with regret that she left university; insistent that they are kitty ears, not devil horns, regardless of what N1 says; not into video games, board games, or head games; very into shopping and eating out and hiking; trying to get back into running; close to my family; averse to cleaning, especially vacuuming; looking forward to the summer; missing my sister; in search of the perfect italian deli and the best used bookstore in vancouver...
wow,this is harder than i thought. which, i suppose, is a good thing. i'd probably be really upset if i could only come up with a few...
well, i guess i should reward you for still being here. try this.
Unexpected gifts
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