ok, so as testimony to exactly how tired i was this week: i fell asleep watching tv *before* ten o'clock last nite, and slept for almost 11 hours. straight through. it was one of those sleeps where you know you were solid 'cause you are in pretty much the same position you went to bed in, and your hair hasn't moved much...
the clouds are moving in from the victoria region. see, i blame victoria cause my brother went to uni there, and it was a constant 'thing' with him to brag about how beautiful the weather in that city was. i could be watching a live broadcast of torrential rain and wind or freak hailstorms in our fair capital city, and he'd be swearing up and down that it was sunny and 22degrees. so now, whenever the weather turns bad, i say that it's blowing in from victoria.
moxee played the alphabet game on her blog today, and i'm going to copy her - just for fun. i think everybody should do it at least once. the 'before the slash' words are things i really like; the 'after the slash' words are things i dislike.
A - avocados, applesauce, adventures / ambulances, angry people
B - black, buttery toast, boots, bagels, boys, buttons, bubble baths / babies, bandaids, bingo
C - Calvin, cheese, cats, chocolate, coffee, candy, cake, cooking, Canucks, cinnamon / cooked carrots, cavities, cranberry juice
D - dates, dancing, dares, dave grohl / dull
E - elbows, ears, eyes / eggs, enemies
F - friends, fights (the good ones), fellatio, fun, fiddleheads, fairy tails / fights (the bad ones), frustration, freaking out
G - ghost stories, gum, giggling, gingerale, gingersnaps, ginger in general, giddiness, guys in glasses / games, grime, garishness
H - hockey, happiness, hugs / hairy legs (on me), humility, hissy fits, haughty
I - indecency, innocence, indigo ink, imbibing, intellligence, ikea / industry, insecurity, indifference
J - junk food, juice, jingles, jammies, James Joyce / jumping to conclusions
K - kissing / kindergarten
L - lovers, limes, lemons, lingering, liberty / losing, lying, laundry
M - making out, moms, memories, mike b, moxee, mutt, maktaaq / missing someone, missing my marbles
N - N2, nudity, naughtiness / nakedness, normality, near-misses
O - orgasms, oranges, ornateness, ohlund / opulence, oratories, obviousness
P - pink, peanuts, pastries, 'the palmers' / pain, peeing all the time, patience
Q - quiet moments / quitting
R - running, racing, raspberries, rhymes, rambling / running away, racism
S - sex, smiles, summer sundays, sundaes, sunny days / stuck in traffic
T - tanginess, tarts / temper tantrums
U - underwear, umbrellas / unhappiness
V - vodka! / vindictiveness
W - water, wanderlust, wine / whining, wasps
X - x-rated / the lack of x words
y - yams, yoga / yelling
z - zig zagging through life / zits
now you try!
Unexpected gifts
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