vendredi, janvier 21

is it just me?

or does this fortune cookie fortune seem a little ominous:

"your biggest problem will soon be nothing." not solved, not get nothing.

what does that mean? does it mean that i'm in for a whole new world of problems which are much more threatening? or does it mean that my biggest problem will soon be annhialated? i'm concerned.

what if i like my problem? i'm sort of attached to it- i wouldn't want to see ithurt in any way, or end up having some sort of disaster-movie style traumatic finale, where the good guy gets the girl, and is doomed to a future of non-exciting marital style sex and maybe a house in the suburbs. my problem will be longing for its former action-hero lifestyle, with the fast cars and the submachine guns and the swinging from building to building stuff. i don't want my problem to be nothing. i want it to be happy - to flourish and grow and prosper. run, little problem! run away! be free!