hellooo saturdae!
ok it's not really a real saturday cause as soon as i'm done this i'm going to shower and go to work for a few hours. but i still slept in and quite enjoyed it, i must say.
so part of my generalized 'looking after myself better' resolution is exercising my brain, cause i gotta say that my brain has been getting off kind of easy the last little while. in fact, i had begun to believe that it was reclining in a deck chair sipping a martini with a pink umbrella (a martini! with an umbrella! see what i mean?!) wearing a flowered bathrobe (open to reveal a bright pink bikini and a bit of winter belly paunch) and reading some variety of harlequin romance that has more spanking and less teeth-rotting
so this week i had plans with young maktaaq to go see a lecture about interacting with strangers in urban spaces. (oh my god! how well my plans weave together!) but it was cancelled. so the next night i went for drinks to a faux irish pub (i say faux cause there were signs about 'newfie parking' everywhere. never saw one of those in ireland) and there was a session going on so we listened to some celtic style music. annndddd last night i went for dinner and to see the black rider with my buddy toad (he of the recent sushi dinner) at the waterfront theatre on granville island. very strange, but very cool - it was one of those things where i was worried, at times, that i was going to hate it because independently the elements of the show were so overpowering that they were almost too much. however, once woven together ina tapestry of colour and sound and words, they made lovely sense and had quite an impact.
so i did ok this week despite cancelled plans. well, postponed, so maybe we can go this tuesday. HOWEVER, there is more to 'looking after myself better' than just my brain. my body also needs some work. my mama wants to join a sun run training group and has asked me to go with - this group meets on tuesday evenings, so i may be booked up with that experience. such choices!
in other news... long-time readers may recall that round about jan 14 of LAST year, i wrote about a fellow name rori, who i was sort of smitten with and who i had a 'bad' ending with. well, since the first, i have been sort of thinking about calling him, cause i'm trying to put better energy into my past and into my relationships and things. however, i deleted his phone number from my phone, and his contact info from my computer, so don't have any of that stuff anymore. so i'm sitting at my desk thinking about it and 'pop!' - up comes an email from him, basically saying the same stuff i'd been thinking about. crazy stuff, huh? so we are supposed to go for a coffee or something maybe this week and have a chat. should be interesting....
k i'm off to work. have a good sunny snowy saturdae!
Just don’t be a dick
Il y a 5 jours