ok so i'm barrelling down the highway on my way to work, running late (as usual) and vaguely irritated because my creamo was off this morning even though it should have been good till saturday at least, when i hear the radio kids talking about how, according to some mucky muck out there, this week is supposed to be the most depressing of the year. now, i have some reservations with that statement - surely the week between christmas and new years, or perhaps the second week in february hold that honour? ANYhoo, for the sake of this prank please let's just take his word for it.
so they are talking about office pranks - you know, the harmless little ones that make your coworkers doubt their sanity, cut their morning coffee with scotch, and inaugurate "bring your chainsaw to work" day. one guy called in with the funniest prank idea i've heard in a while, so i'm challenging *some*body to go off and do it, then come back and tell me about it. i can't, you see. the people who work near me all lock their terminals when they leave their workstations. it's as if they don't trust me, or something.. very strange.
SO what you have to do is this: when your esteemed colleague abandons their seat in favour of the handicapped washroom, clutching last month's issue of maxim, pop into their seat and open MS Word. select the function in "tools" that allows you to do the quick word replace thing, and set it so that whenever they type something like, for example, unit, word will replace the word with "haha! you said unit!".
how freakin funny would that be?
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Il y a 1 jour