So hear I am doing the ms word ‘blog from work’ thing, alt-tabbing between this window and my email, trying to look productive even though I’m not, really, at this point in time. I’m not sure why I’ve been so quiet lately – perhaps I’m just processing my environment – taking a neutral stance regarding my existence, rather than interacting with the world.
I’ve decided that if I were to be laid off in the next little while, I’d be ok with it. I’d take my severance, collect e.i, and lie on the beach for the summer. You know, maybe pick up a part time job at a coffee shop or bookstore for some extra spending money, but mostly just relax. I can think of worse ways to live, that’s for sure. But I don’t expect to be laid off, and I really hope I won’t. I like my job and my boss is incredible – I’m really lucky.
Internet dating update – so I’ve been chatting with this guy who is really great: super nice, friendly, funny. We’ve been talking for a couple of weeks, now, and I just made it out to meet him in person yesterday. I am absolutely NOT attracted to him. Like nothing – zip, zero. He kissed me on the cheek to say goodbye and it scared the shit out of me. What do I do? MikeB says I don’t have to do anything, at this point, but I don’t want to lead him on and then shoot him down.
Le sigh.
Anyhoo… not too much else is going on in the whole love life arena. I think that I’m a little wary, right now. Plus, it’s almost summer – it’s too hot to sleep with someone during the summer anyway. Right? Right. Just agree with me – you know I’m right.
I actually had a really good weekend – more shoe shopping, brunching, dancing, drinking, movie watching, lying about-ing, room tidying… yesterday I was a bit of an e-tard, so I really wasn’t all that productive, other than buying cat food. Wow – really stepping out huh? I’d still way rather have an e-over than a hangover, though. At least that way you don’t feel pukey, just tired and kind of cabbaged.
Well I guess I’d best do some work, or else I’ll be tanning with Ciavarro all summer…
The HOA really hates us, I think.
Il y a 4 jours