random personal confession of the 'wow i'm delighted' variety: now some of you may recall that when i began taking the anti-sad pills, i was very distressed because they were giving me the anorgasmia. so i started taking wellbutrin in addition to the celexa to try and combat it, but nothing seemed to be working. this was causing me distress 'cause the sex part was never affected by the depression. i always liked doing it and having it and everything about it - it was one of the good things i still had, you know? so then i started with the antisads and all of a sudden i couldn't cum and started to lose interest, even while i was feeling better about life. sick joke, kinda, huh?
so i went back to the doctor for my monthly follow up about a week and a half ago, and she said to me "are you taking the generic brand?"

internet dating update, captain's log stardate... erm... today:
- the mushroom king - i talked to him about it yesterday and there will be no romantic involvement. nice guy, so friends is a possibility, but i think that he needs to figure out what he wants fro a girl - a companion or a personal assistant. i like helping people out, so there is always the risk that i will be taken advantage of. he was almost there.
- punk rock boy - hm this one.... is sticking in my head. we'll see. i don't want to jinx it by talking to much about it.
- the electrician - still around. still cute. i haven't seen him in a week, but i talk to him pretty much daily. not sure what's gonna happen. he said to me this morning "i wanna tap that ass". it's very early on a sunday to hear such things via the ehm-ess-ehn. we'll see.
- rockstar 25 - (ridley gave him the nickname. i like it better than the one i had). he's damn fucking hot. rawr. nuff said.
- nikki - he's new. i just talked to him last night. he's *covered* in tattoos.he's 37. he's kinda kinky. he's looking for a relationship. he was worried that (when he put on his webcam to talk to me) i'd be disappointed that he doesn't look like his rockstar pictures. i said he looks like he would every day so that was better, in my book. i showed him my silly emoticons. he laughed out loud (best thing about webcams is that you can see people's reactions. i heart that.) huh. he's kinda in my head too. maybe it's the ink.

pps - the multiple heaven has *nothing* to do with the photographs. nothing. i swear. *ahem*. clearly. (backs away from microphone...)
finally - i've been fudging with the pictures so if you looked and it was kinda messed, hit reload. i think i've got it fixed, now.