by opening this forum for comments i do invite open and honest discussion. however i neither enjoy nor tolerate hurtful criticisms of my character or the people who come here to read and comment and otherwise. i put my email address up for all to see - if you have something to say or if you are interested in actually getting to know me, and how much of this is true and how much is a product of my creativity, then feel free to use it. lots of people have. i'm a sporadic correspondant, but i'm an interesting one.
i started putting pictures of myself up on my two year anniversary - it was my way of coming out of the closet, so to speak. the subject matter of them is what it is because that's an avenue i have always wanted to explore - i did some extensive study into the erotic postcards done by man ray in the early twentieth centure, as well as the pinup photos of the forties and fifties - i'm fascinated by the way they manage to be dirty yet ... art, for lack of a better word.. at the same time. sometimes i manage to achieve this, sometimes not, but i'm an amateur, after all.
i'm totally grateful that people stop by here and enjoy what i write and take the time to comment. however, i have really tried to keep this journal exactly that - a journal. sometimes it's better than others, just like anything, but the point is that i write what i'm in the mood to write when i feel like writing it. i don't pander to the boys who say i'm hot - if i did i would only put up naked pictures and i would only write about sex. but i don't. i really like the intellectual side to the sparring - it's one of the things i've missed since i left school. what i don't like is when people make it personal. and maybe it *is* me who takes it personally, but at times i think folks forget that there *is* a part of me in what is written here. i can't be totally objective because it *is* my journal and i *do* put a lot of thought into the stuff that is posted here. well, most of the time, anyway.
so i think we are done with this topic - or i am anyway. it's time to move on to something different 'cause we are all interesting people and we all have interesting things to say and interesting things we want to talk about. so open forum - give us a topic. it can be anything BUT what we've been dwelling on, and we'll see where we can go.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
Il y a 4 jours