shit that's a little deep for a weekend, isn't it? ok let's lighten the mood. Oscar Wilde: "illusion is the first of all pleasures".
now there's a theme for the weekend.
ok so i've decided to shag the chef for the sheer joy of it until i find someone who *wants* to be my boyfriend and delivers the other shit that i'm looking for - that is, appreciates my million-dollar brain, my sunshiney sweetness, my party girl get up and go, and my drop down fuck you till you crumble dirty girl side. 'cause he is all that stuff, he just isn't into relationships. but man-o-man i haven't met someone with whom i've had this much sexual chemistry with since... well honestly it's been years. like you know when you are sitting across from someone and the magnetic energy between you is so strong that you have to physically restrain yourself from touching them? yeah that kind. plus i've never really *dated* anyone - i've had boyfriends, and i've had fuckbuddies, but never really anything in between. so i'm kinda interested in the prospects.
but i've also decided to unleash the ray of light that's inside me and date as many guys as i can for a bit. i'm never going to find anything that makes me happy by sitting at home pissing and moaning about it. this should, if nothing else, make for super interesting blog-fodder.
we'll call it a social experiment which i am conducting for the betterment of... well maybe not betterment of but at least enjoyment of... people who pop by here. i'm only doing it for you. don't ever say that i didn't love you.
oh man i got so distracted by lurid thoughts of parlaying my exciting and fulfilling (*ahem*) dating adventures into a book deal somehow that i completely forgot to come to the point of my whole story. so lots of the time i end up chatting with people that i have never met in person - just via the innerweb. this is very cool - i enjoy it thoroughly. last night someone drunkenly proposed to me. now is this a binding contract? should i hold out for a ring? i mean, he's never met me - only spoken to me and seen a few photos. can he be held responsible for his decision once he's a) sobered up and b) had to deal with the whirling dervish firestorm of hyperactivity that is raspberry sundae on a daily basis? curious minds want to know...