i do want to apologize for the poorly rendered poem below, and offer a bit of an explanation for inflicting it upon everyone.
i used to write - a lot. poetry, mostly, but also some short fiction and definitely a great deal of theory-esque non fiction. even gave some readings, here and there... unfortunately, in the grad school/relationship hell that sort of occupied my attention for 3 years i lost the drive and apparently the ability.
sooo... this blog is actually my first attempts to get back into it. work doesn't really allow me to be creative (had my performance review the other day, and when pam asked me what i found most challenging about my position i had to say completely relearning how to think and interpret information) so this is my way of reteaching myself how to play with words and language; how to make my thoughts go from my brain to my hands...
it'll take a bit to get going again, and i'm sure there will be numerous dodgy offerings like the posting(s?) below. so i apologize in advance.
Unexpected gifts
Il y a 1 semaine