and how would you know that, dear raspberry? well, gentle reader, because at 7am i was *flying* home from n2's house in order to sign a get well card for my grandma - my mom is flying up to see her this morning, and i had to get here before she left for the airport.
and why weren't you tucked safe in your bed like a good little raspberry sundae? well, because it is actually well against the nature of raspberry sundae to *be* tucked safe in her own bed on a sunday morning. well, at least by herself, that is. so these last few dry weeks have been quite unnatural for everyone concerned...
i actually did intend to come home last nite. we were having a lovely time at the australian bar downtown - many many drinks were consumed... i had indulged in a little not-sanctioned-by-the-FDA fun so was keeping the martinis to a minimum (well, i could have probably drank the bar dry with no effect - pointless and expensive, i thought). ben was, to say the least, wasted. but he had a lovely time, i do believe, and he may, just may, have finally had a moment with the girl of his canadian dreams. i shall have to confirm that later this evening.
so anyway, a few people ended up in burnaby at the home of n2. nate passed out within approximately four minutes of walking in the door. nick held out quite a bit longer, but there was only a few of us sitting around, talking, and listening to music. he made an effort to have me strip for the group (i was the only girl), but i declined. (i wonder if that ever works?). so the ranks dwindled, until it was nick, john and i. nick crawled into his bed and started to pass out and john called a taxi to take him home... i went in to say goodbye to nick and he replied "you're leaving? that sucks".... so we had a brief conversation about how he didn't want to sleep with me anymore... and how (according to him) that's not actually the case - he is just deathly afraid of committment. i pointed out that i am, conceivably, the person he least needs to worry about that with.
anyhoo... one thing leads to another, as it ususally does. all i know is that the last time i looked at the clock it was 5.34 and that is *not* when i went to sleep.
the first time you have sex with someone is really cool, because it's that initial BANG! (no pun intended) - two people's bodies and chemistry colliding - you discover each other a little and it's new and fresh and exciting. the second time, though, is when you sort of start exploring what each other likes...and pushing the limits a little bit. it's still pretty new... but that is the bit that makes it more fun than the first time.
Unexpected gifts
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