this is a jp and andrea story.
jp and andrea are my image of the perfect couple. they have their own lives but they have such a great life together. they are my 'couple' hero. they were married this past thanksgiving (that would be the canadian, not the american). i spent all day saturday on top of a 30ft ladder stringing long swooping pieces of white gauze across the ceiling of the hall, then chucking autumn leaves into the centres, trying to transform a gymnasium into a room that i would want my best friends to be married in. but i digress.
the party was, essentially, thirty family members and 100 friends - cheap drinks, fun music and lots of dancing. someone had given jp celebratory cigars, and the girls snagged one and headed outside to smoke it and giggle. andrea's mom was putting something in the car, or getting something out of the car - whatever she was coming back into the hall - and busted us all standing outside smoking this little vaguely fruity smelling cigar.
now what you have to understand about andrea's mom is that she is very small and very eastern european, and very traditional. she came past us and looked upon the group in general, but andrea specifically, very disapprovingly. she then marched inside and straight up to jp: "your wife is outside smoking marijuana!". yes, she fully ratted her daughter out to her new son-in-law. jp smiled, told andrea's mom that he'd handle it, and wandered off in the direction of the door so that it *looked* like he was handling it. he then told andrea all about it when she came back in. she told all of us and we laughed and were secretly jealous that she's so lucky...
Unexpected gifts
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