first of all, for mike b:

though really, it's all for me...
i just beeped mike b's phone - i realize that it's only 8.15am, and that he probably didn't get much sleep, but i did it anyway. such a brat i am.
why is it, you ask, that he may not have had much sleep? Well, let me tell you.
yesterday, of course, was valentine's day. i do have a certain amount of trepidation about holidays, usually, stemming from three years of bad ones courtesy of psychojeremy. the valentines curse was broken last year by monte - i think i mentioned it a few posts ago - but still i was a little worried.
all for naught, though. i had a great day. mike b and i went for brunch, then i made him take me to dig in the $5 bins at front (only found a little halter top this week. i think it's time for them to restock) then we went and looked at used books & cds (OOO a nancy drew book and a tears for fears greatest hits and a john sandford novel i don't think i've read yet!) then we rented a dvd and came back to mine.
we actually watched 13 - another oscar contender, i believe, but not necessarily the best choice for me - i spent half the film curled up in traumatized little ball, much to mike's distress. well done film, but topically.. i probably should have given it a miss. so i almost spent the evening at home reading nancy drew.
however, i sucked it up and went for martinis with moxee and mike b. and am so glad that i did. we started out the evening at honey in the deep red velvet chairs, then moved to wild rice, then on to a house party (more on that later). i did drink quite a lot - should not really try to keep up with people who have at least 7 inches on me. however a good time was had by all - i think i worried moxee though... had a sicky food thing. people who have spent a lot of time with me know that sometimes i have problems - as soon as i get rid of it i'm ok. megs can always tell when it's a) going to happen or b) has just happened. she says i get a funny look in my eyes.... ah well. i just left moxeelicious impressed with my ability to hurl and rally rather than try to explain it all.... mind you, i guess i just did.
so on to the house party - i called dylan to see if he wanted to join us for cocktails, but he was going to the party he had mentioned to me earlier in the week and asked if we wanted to go there. i asked him if he was ok with me being there... and he said ya. so we headed off - it was a total valentines costume thing... (moxee actually stole a foil wrapped cowboy hat off his head. somehow i ended up with it. i shall have to return it eventually i guess). i ended up having a wierd conversation with him. i noticed that when i came in he looked totally freaked out. i know he's having some relationship issues, so i sat him down and basically tried to tell him that he didn't have to worry about me. it was a party and i didn't want him to not have a good time or be uncomfortable cause i was there. he went off on a tangent about being in love with a woman he can't have and how he feels totally pressured... i tried to explain to him that i was just trying to be his friend - i can see him telling himself the things that i tell myself all the time. i don't really care if we ever shag again... but he was freaked out. anyway, it was a really odd conversation to get into and it left me in kind of a weird place. but then, it's just been that kind of week for me. i'll call him in a few days to get him his hat back, but i think that he's someone for me to just stay away from...
Anyhoo... the flirty stuff between mike & mox & me continued all evening. mox & i gave mike a couple of moments by having some kisses in the restaurant... but they went on to do more. it was building all nite, and was totally fun for me to watch.
but mike's on his way to pick me up for breakfast.. so i best wash my face and brush my hair, for fear of scaring the life out of him..