cause i'm sure nick would love me forever if i took him with me....
actually, i'd probably take calvin. he'd never forgive me if i didn't, and his fourteen year old "ladies man" brain doesn't understand the notion of buying love. unlike his old and wrinkly mother. (menses? is that you peeking out from just around the corner? i knew i saw you there!)
i'm hanging out at home by myself tonite. even calvin isn't here: he went off to some dance or another. i could go out, i suppose, but really i feel like taking a bath and lying around. i'm so very very tired. i was at work trying to figure out my reports till after five. granted we did have a bit of a 'cake break' mid afternoon.
it was ben's last day so megs and i (in happy possession of the account manager's credit card) headed off to find a cake and a card... i circulated it (card not cake) around the office for signing, then herded everyone upstairs to sample cake not card. i even went downstairs and tracked nate down to bring him along (nick was playing hooky again. lucky bastard)... i think bun was quite happy - i didn't go to the lengths for this event as i did for his birthday, but that has a great deal to do with my energy levels in the evenings this time around... so i apologize, ben, you crazy kid.
i'm really going to miss him - the office just won't be the same without him.
but tomorrow is his grand 'goodbye' do downtown. i think it shall be a raging drunk. scratch that, i know it. n x2 will be in attendance, so i believe it is an occasion for the kitty ears.
Unexpected gifts
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