what a lovely day.... met up with sarah u and mike b for a round of brunch and vintage store shopping.. came home to calvin hanging out playing video games with his friends in our house (something he does too rarely) and the smell of veggie lasagne made just for me baking in the kitchen. this evening i shall venture out to a house party with people i don't know, wearing my fun new skirt, i think. it's really quite lovely - cut on a diagonal and splashed with giant red poppy-like flowers. there are too few days like this; the kind that leave you feeling a little tired but content and at peace with the world.
maktaaq has posted some of her high school poetry... i am sort of tempted to track down mine. however, it is probably at the bottom of a huge box in the very back of the storage room. so it's probably best to leave it. really that makes me sound lazy - truth be told, i'm afraid of spiders and dust bunnies, two things our storage room is quite overrun with. i usually have calvin dig things out for me, but that would involve me telling him what i'm looking for, which would involve him wanting to read it, which would involve him laughing most heartily at me as he is so much more talented in that area than i ever have been or probably ever will be. as a parent, i have to tell you that it's a mixed blessing to see your child outclass you at most of the things they attempt. it makes you proud for them, but a little ashamed to be you...
Unexpected gifts
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