i think only the size of the sister's bf stopped us from participating in our own title matchup, but, let's not kid, i coulda held my own.
anyway, helloooo sausage fest. men everywhere, testosterone and alcohol oozing from every orifice. when i got up to powder my nose i made the mistake of *not* covering my ass with my hands and got it grabbed twice. but, and get this, the best part of the night was that, for the first time ever in my life, there was a line for the men's room and not the ladies. how fucking cool was that? and *every* single woman who entered the bathroom crowed with delight at this wonderous paradigm shift.
i know that there are people out there who really dislike mixed martial arts fights and really object to the violence of the sport. i figure men have been kicking the crap out of each other since they were sentient enough to form a fist - may as well put 'em in a ring where there's a doctor present, a ref to keep things from getting out of hand, and they can't hurt anyone but each other.
and, to be honest, it's less violent than most of the lacrosse games i've ever seen.
after the fights we hit up the tokyo lounge to do a little dancing. dude the club fashion was so eighties i couldn't even handle it - double belts, off the shoulder shirts, super high pointy toed heels, teased hair. as i said to the sister as i watched one pretty young thing walk by "i'm pretty sure i wore that outfit to the teen club once". she laughed. i was dead serious. the only things missing were the ankle socks and lace fingerless gloves.
le sigh.