with the ordinary birds. i circled the block for an eternity trying to find a place to land, rolling round the streets in the dark and the rain. drunken pedestrians blocked my way through the nighttime but they didn't know any better.
i heard the lyric as soaring not stumbling and i can't decide which way i like better i said as i came through the door. is there a difference? you responded, putting your hands at my waist and drawing me close i think so. show me.
you took my hand and drew me through the candlelight, eyes bright languid limbs - drew me close to you and i could feel you pressed against me. is there a difference between dancing and fucking? when your eyes are locked together and i can feel you inside me from my pupils to my groin? we lock together at the lips and the waist and the feet your leg between mine mine between yours not knowing where you end and i begin.
I could feel me coming up the stairs behind you, you said, I knew you were there before you walked in the door. it's not often that someone can feel my light, can feel it burning like celestial fire within me. people sometimes know it's there but it scares them, maybe, they don't understand. dallas says commoners drown where the mystics can swim - it's hard to stare at. eclipse sun spots burn out your retinas if you gaze into the light.
you are not afraid. you pick me up and threw me down on the bed, pulled off my pants, my shirt. i undid the buttons at your fly, teased the tip of your cock with my tongue as you watched in the mirror then i blink and you're moving inside me in time with the blues spilling through the candlelight - push my legs back and go deeper, seeking the source of the heat, the life.
you're beautiful, you say, looking down on me with eyes burning bright with a halo of green light. when i close my eyes i can see them swimming together weaving intertwining like two cats dancing in a sliver of moonlight - green and golden fire spiking through a dark cave with handcuffs on the wall, leather cool on the heat of my ass glowing red with the sillouhette of your hand.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
Il y a 4 jours