there is nothing quite as good for the soul as having lunch with a cute boy, then taking your dog for a walk on a windy windy day and watching her chase birds and bark at driftwood and lie in the mud panting happily, knowing that in ten minutes she's going to be crawling all over the inside of your car.i think that i may very well have the cutest dog on the planet. she's eleven years old, but still runs like she's a puppy. it's just that the next day she sometimes has trouble getting on and off the couch.
oh wait, what was that? did i say that i had lunch with a cute boy? yes, it's true - art boy logged in this morning and was chatting away to me. he works from home so is pretty much always on line. i talked him into taking a lunchbreak with me so we walked over to ouisi bistro to hang out. i think he likes me - he spent a lot of time looking into my eyes, and let me feed him a spoonful of my blackbean soup - but when we got back to his house and it was time for him to go in and me to my car, i got a hug but still no damn kiss.
le sigh.
oh, hey. i took a whole bunch of outside type photos. take a little looky-loo at my buzznet account.
Well, fuck.
Il y a 2 jours