so ciavarro has an incendiary writing style that, if you don't read him regularly, may take you askance on occasion.
in fact, he writes this way on purpose, because (i theorize) he's got some kind of repressed masochistic desires and wants to be slapped.
often he turns this laserbeam of vitriol on the stars of current events like, for example, miss deaf texas, who rocketed to fame by being struck down and killed whilst walking over train tracks. she couldn't hear it coming, i guess.
anyhoo..... ciavarro took some flack from a reader for it, and handed the flack straight back. more interestingly, though, is that this whole exchange has rocketed him to the top of the special interest group blacklist. ragged edge online has seen fit to feature his entry in a condemnation of those in the blogging world who poke fun at the less fortunate.
when mr ciavarro (uncharacteristically, i might add) logged into the msn before nine this morning, i leapt upon the chance to interview him and get his input. below is the transcript of that conversation for your reading delight.
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
you cuffed me on the chin
raspberry is on bedrest says:
i did
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
raspberry is on bedrest says:
in an aw shucks way
raspberry is on bedrest says:
the irony is that the article will get you a whole bunch more readers to piss off but who will keep reading anyway
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
mayyyybe. People who read Ragged Edge Online are probably very tight sphinctered
raspberry is on bedrest says:
so? it’s like the religious reader guy i had for a while
raspberry is on bedrest says:
he totally disapproved but couldn’t stop looking at the naughty pictures and reading the dirty words
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
maybe! I think you understand where I come from, having been familiar with my blog longer than basially anyone... I'm just doing it because I'm falling off my chair laughing
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
who else picks a fight with an organization dedicated to helping handicaps?!?!
raspberry is on bedrest says:
oh yeah
raspberry is on bedrest says:
i got it
raspberry is on bedrest says:
but then i know you
raspberry is on bedrest says:
you aren’t prejudiced - you hate everyone equally
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
yep. if anyone opens themselves up to mockery, I'll take a shot. Hell, NO ONE makes more fun of me, than me. Nobody comes close! I'm my own worst enemy
raspberry is on bedrest says:
it’s true
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
are you watching the canucks game tonight?
raspberry is on bedrest says:
is it ppv or on tv?
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
raspberry is on bedrest says:
prolly not ‘cause i’m not supposed to leave the house
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
oh, right.
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
sucks ass
raspberry is on bedrest says:
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
what did you catch?
raspberry is on bedrest says:
i have a lung infection
raspberry is on bedrest says:
i’m supposed to be on bedrest so it doesn’t turn into pneumonia
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
you have cooties
raspberry is on bedrest says:
ha no sadly i’m not contagious
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
raspberry is on bedrest says:
nope. only a danger to myself
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
so we could make out on the floor, and ingest your nasal drip, and I'd be fine?
raspberry is on bedrest says:
sure if you want
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
gross dude
raspberry is on bedrest says:
hey - your idea
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
I know
raspberry is on bedrest says:
i’m turning this into an interview
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
you are?
raspberry is on bedrest says:
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
how so
raspberry is on bedrest says:
well i’m going to write about the tumult you’ve caused in the special needs world and how you are poised on the brink of a boycott by all sorts of special interest groups and i’m going to take the middle part of our conversation and pretend it was an interview
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
sure, I didn't say much! I'm a bore
raspberry is on bedrest says:
that’s fine
raspberry is on bedrest says:
i’ll be creative
Ciavarro | Paid the Cost to be the Boss says:
I'm not a bore! take that back!