it's official.
my bedroom looks like my closet and my dresser went on a tequila bender and vomitted clothing over every surface - horizontal or otherwise. how lame am i? how OLD am i? why is it that i can't keep my bedroom tidy?
so i went on a date the other night. i've been talking to this guy for a while, but we've never gotten around to actually doing anything till thursday. weird, huh? anyway, thursday night we went down to the art gallery to check out an exhibit by a canadian artist named brian jungen. he takes post consumer goods and creates these unbelievably cool sculptures - such as tribal masks fashioned from old nike running shoes, or these amazingly wonderous bowhead whale skeletons made from white plastic lawn chairs.
the biggest one is suspended about seven feet off the floor. i stood underneath it and gazed down the length - wondering at the way the vertebrae undulated gracefully away from me.

i didn't do this, though, and i didn't take pictures, because for some reason the gallery blue-coats watch me like a hawk whenever i am there. i'm not kidding - they follow me from room to room, and when i leave one area another guard picks up the tail faster than you can say million dollar heist.
all i could think of as i stood there was that this thing needed wings.
maybe that's why whales are nearly extinct. god forgot to give them wings.
the date was fun - awkard at first, as they always are, but soon settled into laughter and stories.
the wine helped, too, i'm sure.
but he didn't kiss me. he hugged me and asked if i'd like to do it again, but he didn't kiss me goodbye. is that a bad sign?