so my cat is obsessed with the bathroom. yes i know this is strange, but he is. he has to sit with me whilst i potty, and likes to watch me shower. he also likes to perch at the edge of the tub while i'm in it and lazily swat at my toes. well last night, shortly after this photo was taken, the towel slipped off the edge and the cat took a dunk.
up to his armpits.
needless to say he was not impressed.
yes, ben, i am posting a photo of my cat. in fact, i'm doing it especially for you and for that fucking terrifying picture of your dog.
so let's talk about this meeting people on the internet idea, shall we? it's an interesting thing, especially for someone who is as cerebral as i am, to meet people through words before you meet them in person - if you ever do. like you can develop a crush on someone, have it peak and fade away before you even know their real name. i know people who've met and married over internet dating services, and there's an older lady at my work (go check out your websters - her name is beside the definition of 'cougar') who regularly regales the men of the office with tales of her lavalife escapades. but that's kind of not what i'm talking about, even as it is exactly what i'm talking about.
i've always been fascinated by this way of communicating. as humans become more and more insulated from the 'real' world - as we become more and more isolated within our cubicles and home offices and computer lives - i think it's going to become more and more important to be able to communicate effectively and honestly in this way.
and when i say honestly i don't mean tell your facts one by one without embellishing the words with gloss and sparkle and shine, i just mean letting the essence of who you are shine through the screen like fingers of sunlight through the clouds.
but i think that often, too, people hide behind the screen hoping that people will get to know them intellectually before they see what they look like in reality - they falsely represent themselves, or don't represent themselves at all (and i'm not talking about people who don't post pictures on blogs so much as i am people who attempt to know you intimately without ever exposing themselves). and sometimes this is because of insecurity and sometimes this is because of maliciousness, but everytime it happens it chips away at the possiblities that lie within this forum of communion between people who are at the farthest flung ends of the universe.
do i have a point? yeah kind of. i think my point is that there are people who let you see through to their inner beauty and share with you the wonder of diversity and creativity that exists in this world. when you find it you should cultivate it and share it with as many people as you can. then the winds will carry the seeds around the planet and this creativity and love will germinate and spread. all of those people in the blogroll over there qualify - even the ones who don't write too much anymore. ryan kicks a drum with words in a way that makes my head spin some days. newly single hasn't written in months but if you go back through his archives you'll find someone who took an unbelievably painful time in his life and dealt with it the best way possible for him - through laughter and writing. but most especially tony qualifies 'cause every day he shows you who he is - ugliness and all - even if everything in the busblog is a lie. and that's what makes him beautiful, and you beautiful, and me beautiful.