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things learned this weekend
emergency rain ponchos - best investment evertrent reznor fake-plays the piano on stageyou should never hand the only set of car keys to me when i'm panicked /distracted by a projectile vomitting kiddo. i will lose them. it is humanly possible to go for distance when pukingthere are no taxies in quincy, washingtoni heart london gourmet brand blueberry trailmixpeople from alberta aren't that bad.
the walls at the 'country cabin' motel (in quincy washington) are really not very thick at all.
i can, indeed, wear my contacts day and night for three days.
ok that's all for now. i need to make my eyes not wear plastic bits, and i need to go to sleep. someone, somewhere needs to write an epic poem about my last 26 hours. you'll understand tomorrow..... :)