whoopsy - friday i do not have a date with an english teacher (as in a teacher of english, not an englishman. or woman. or muffin. *ahem*.) i actually have a date with someone else entirely. then i'm going out with an artis. and then maybe to a cinco de mayo party. 'cause you know, it's friday and how am i gonna possibly top last week otherwise?
there will be, however, no gin. this i guarantee.
i was *supposed* to go out with the english teacher tonight but accidentally doublebooked him with punkrock boy - not that prb is guaranteed to be available, but heck. i did actually see him for a bit last night - i was in his 'hood and he had some time before going ot a stag, so i stopped by for a while, hung out, drank some beer, talked about life and stuff and the things inbetween.
oh hey did i mention that he's probably moving to costa rica next month?