this evening i went to nevermind to watch the canucks with mike b. and ate enough to feed a small african nation for a week. mmmm mahi tuna tacos and mmmm chocolate mousse and mmmm more caesars... found myself gazing at the cute boy across the room... which, of course, led to the discussion of me voting nick off the island. mike asked why i had done it. i tried to explain the sense that he was either a) not interested at all, or b) not interested enough. he asked if it maybe was just nick's nature. i think that he may be right.
however... my question is this:
how do you explain to a guy that you aren't ready for a relationship, but want to "hang out" kind of regularly, without coming off sounding like a slut? i'm basically monogamous by nature, but i do have a fairly overactive sex drive. so.. if i don't have something regular, i usually go looking for the irregular. but that's not really me. i'm ok with a booty call kind of situation, but would prefer a friend who i can sleep with now and again. that works the best for me.
mike figures that it's the 'regular' aspect to that which is dangerous. regular sex usually turns into relationship. however, i think i'm ok with that, as long as it was a slow gradual evolution. he's still skittish, but then it's only been a short while since alana.
so, in essence, i'm intrigued by nick. i'd like to shag him again.. he tasted sweet, and a little smoky. it was fun. so how do i tell him that i'd like to hang out with him once or twice a week to have drinks, maybe go out dancing, and shag? or should i just let it go and move on to the next one?
Unexpected gifts
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