i'm having trouble focussing on work, right now. i think that there is so much going on in the rest of my world that is requiring so much of my attention that it is really hard for me to get a handle on work stuff. i'm afraid that things are slipping. i don't think they are. but i worry.
i think part of it comes from trying to not control everything - giving ben and oana the reins and trusting them to deal with stuff. i can see how pam had (has?) so much trouble doing that with me. i wasn't nearly sympathetic enough.
there still is a lot of tension surrounding the restructuring. i believe that it will be much better when we change offices and have the managment *away* from the team - fingers won't always be in the pie, so to speak. OOO i saw the seating plan and i get a window seat right across from Megs. My proco will be right beside me... happy day i'll be able to see outside!
oooo hockey starts in a couple of minutes..
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
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