i don't think my mom appreciates the coolness of my new skirt (stretchy and white with black cowgirls all over it). she seemed unimpressed. well, she's my mom after all. i guess i can't expect too much. i went vintage store shopping on main with mike b. came out with several good finds - said skirt, a grey sweater style tube top and this wicked green corduroy coat with fun fur cuffs and collar that is very much in time with my whole 'bronte' theme of the past few days. i also picked up calvin a red plaid old man shirt and a new hoody. all for $60 or so. quite reasonable i thought. i also had scrambled tofu from the naam for brunch.. after talking about it all week i couldn't resist. too bad i don't have jen's number - it would have been nice to give her a call.
i do believe i shall be sad if nick doesn't call... ah well. what can you do?
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
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