mike b was having a cast party that i crashed briefly last nite before heading off to dylan's. i warned him that i would run away when all of the people arrived and he accepted it, but teased me fairly mercilessly. i have to put on the correct personality before i can comfortably navigate a small space filled entirely with people i've never met before -- it's the same personality that serves me well at work. so i wandered in, had a glass of wine, and took off.
he told me this morning that i did really well, considering. i pointed out that this was because i refused to leave the kitchen. i find that most situations are entirely more bearable for me when i'm in the kitchen - particularly if there is cooking going on. not to mention the fact that sooner or later almost everyone ends up in the kitchen for at least a few minutes. soo you can talk to everyone without seeking them out.
there's another place in the house that serves this purpose really well, also. i recall telling megs and pam about a party where i sat on the landing halfway up the stairs one night. the bathroom was upstairs and the party was down, so people wandered past me all night long, staying to chat on their way up or down. megs knowingly pointed out "you weren't drinking that night, were you?", but pam didn't get that.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
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