"YOU! only I'm allowed to work for 12 hours!" - or so said the department manager as he discovered me huddled in my hobbithole-esque corner. what a crappy crappy day at work. ben is out of hand - had a fit this morning when i commented on his seemingly incessant bad mood. he's pushing me to the limits, man... not to mention i spent from 2pm-7pm doing comparing two very large spreadsheets line by line... but at least now i know that they are right.
on happier notes.. nick called me as i was driving home.. just to say hello i think. which is nicer than i should like to admit. i tried to sneak away to the downstairs lunchroom for 10 minutes before production took their break at noon today, but am physically incapable of consuming thai pumpkin and tofu red curry that quickly, so there was some overlap. therefore... they got to watch me eat for a bit. also... today i headed off to work sporting my new cowgirl skirt overtop of rather long black pants... seemed to be a fashion success.
i really really need to go to the library.
wow what an uninspired blog. i do apologize to future me, reading this at some point days, months or even years from now. really, we aren't this boring.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Il y a 20 heures