Any person or persons who wish to deliver a surreal compliment must cease and desist from all practices of procreation and appeal to the county clerk for permission by filling out form #345/3.098/27 in triplicate, signed, the person who can and will repeat your subversive tendencies.
really, though, in the grand scheme of things, aren't all compliments sort of surreal? for example:
the guy that was talking to me and took my picture last saturday night sent me an email asking me to meet him for a drink. specifically a drink in yaletown. i'm not sure what the implications of that particular factoid are, but anyhoooo... when i relayed this sort of amusing tidbit to mike b., he stated "I knew he would.". i asked how he could know something like that -- wondering if there was some kind of 'between the guys' sort of discussion that had occurred while i was in the restroom or something. he replied that "of course he would - you are an attractive woman" but i'm sure he said it more poetically than that. a really nice compliment from a good friend.. but still it makes me sort of look over my shoulder, convinced he's referring to someone else. that, or that he's gonna open his eyes and go "hoo! what was i thinking!". just sort of surreal, that's all.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Il y a 20 heures