this has been a very strange week, and today has been a very strange microcosm of it. i spent the first part of the day totally hyperactive, and really trying to ignore the wierd/crappy things going on. really felt like getting into trouble, more than anything -- throwing snowballs at cars, giving cops the finger, getting drunk and dancing naked, picking fights -- you know, general shit disturber stuff. but... it's really hard to be oblivious when there's negativity afoot. so by the end of the day i just wanted to turn tail and run. and i did, by the way. so i still haven't finished my weekly reports, which means that i have to go in for a while tomorrow. crap.
i'm also aware that part of my 'troublemaker' urges are totally selfdestructive physical manifestations of the negative self-image and repressed anger i've had going on this week. but we won't talk about that and my wierd urges to contact a)psychojeremy b)rori c)various members of the rcmp.
went for sushi with megs and oana today. well, i was supposed to have lunch with gary, but he ditched me cause i got stuck in a meeting. bitch! poor oana had to listen to meaghan and i rail against the unfairness of the project management world. she got an earful, let me tell you. which isn't to say that we meant to be negative, in any way. just that sometimes it all builds up and you need to vent.
speaking of which, i had my 'salary negotiations' today. which is to say that they told me how much they'd pay me and if i wanted the job i sucked it up and took it. it's not as much as i really wanted, but there is still room for travel and education. so i guess i'll suck it up and deal with it.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Il y a 22 heures