do most boys understand that when you ask them to "watch a video", you are pretty much just asking them if they want to make out? i've put the question to monster, as mike b is not around and so i have no boy advice on this burning question. his answer? "yes. it's the code word". glad to hear that, at least on this level, there is a common language between the genders.
i'm beginning to think that this week will never end. i realize that it's wednesday, and we are now most of the way though the week, it's just that i'm fairly sure that i still have a full week's worth of work ahead of me. which blows a lot. ah well... soldier forth and all of those pithy platitudes from the days of empire...
i was reading someone else's blog earlier (who, me? no!) and being amused by their anti-valentine's day rant. i understand it to a certain point - there is a great deal of pressure put on romantic relationships for that one day. but a the same time.. words have only as much power as you feed into them. yes, it's constructed by hallmark. yes, it's commercial. but it's kind of silly, too. i, for one, had the best valentine's day of my life last year, with the aforementioned montelicious. we drank a great deal, i cooked a great meal, and we ended up sitting on the couch listening to music and talketty talketty talking till i more or less passed out. unfortunatly, he is headlining a party this year, so is standing me up. any volunteers for replacements?
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
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