well, after last night's messenger frenzy, i've blocked rori from my contact list. he states emphatically "I am your friend but that is ALL! This requires too much effort!!" To which i reply bemusedly "What makes you think, at this point, I consider you even my friend? What do i get from it? In the six months we've known each other, all you've shown me is that you are selfish and know how to play mind games. Go away." Not my finest hour, I know. I really should be above petty barbs. but at half past one in the morning when you have to get up for work at 5.30, it's better to just get your point across, I feel. Mind you, blocking him from my messenger only inspired him to begin text messaging my phone...
as a result, work was a challenge. i did get to teach bun a new word, however: "clusterfuck". it succinctly described the day, that's for sure. seems just like nothing went right. well, at least until lunch, when we trooped off to BK for a veggie burger (no onion, mayo or cheese) (me), and $1.69 Whoppers (everyone else). things sort of coasted along after that.
i really could do with some shoe therapy. hmmm mall is open late tonite.. mike b. keeps threatening to kidnap me at 7.30. this will be challenging considering our house is a treat to find when you DO know the address. which he, of course, does not.
somewhere in the lack of sleep last nite i was listening to radio netherlands. there was a rather fascinating story about restaurants in europe (i missed the exact city -- believe i was pitching a fit at the keyboard) where insects are served as a protein source on the menu. rumour has it they taste like chicken. of course they do. i suspect that even "chicken" isn't chicken any more. its some suspect conglomerate of stuff that is manufactured in vats and is actually sold to grocery stores in packages labeled "Tastes Like Chicken". what did Margaret Atwood call them? ah yes - chickie nobs. mmmmm
dreamt last night about going to a wierd party with D. I was all messed up on red wine and speed. his girlfriend (who was not his waking life girlfriend but was very cute nonetheless) was trying to pull me along for a sordid rendezvous in a bedroom with the two of them... i was beginning to relent when the computer began to squawk at me. damn his eyes (to quote j.cash).
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Il y a 20 heures