i think that i've finally admitted it. i'm sick. as oana pointed out -- admitting you have a problem is the first step towards getting well. my stomach and back muscles hurt from coughing. my nose is a mucous factory. it's not a pretty thing by any means.
you know, i think i've given up on this whole 'men' thing. i mean, i tried to "date" -- nate and jesus -- and we all know how well that went. it's just an unnatural state of being for me. so after those fiascos i thought to myself, well the heck with it. i've got guy friends; why don't i just let one of those friendships go beyond -- rori -- and we all know how well that went. not only did i end up feeling kind of nasty, i lost a friend too. so there must be some middle ground, right? i wish i could go for celibacy, but that is *so* not in my nature. what's a girl to do?
so something strange happened today... i'm not sure on the details. i remember drinking some neo citran (black cherry for coughs), then after that it all goes kind of hazy. the next thing i know, i'm on the company Sun Run team -- Megs has joined us up and apparently i agreed willingly. that's it - no more cold drugs at work for me. my coworkers just take advantage...
well that's it for me, folks. i'm gonna put cold forumla aromatherapy oil in my burner, curl up with my dog and my book and watch thursday nite tv. adios amigos....
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
Il y a 21 heures